


Log Streaming


  • Queue — EmceeQueue process, the one that owns queue of buckets and processes results of their execution
  • Worker - EmceeWorker process, the one that fetches buckets from queue, executes them and provides results back to the queue
  • Client — Emcee process that reads user input, schedules buckets into the queue for execution, and fetches back the results.


Queue and workers usually reside on different hosts. Obtaining logs for distributed system like Emcee usually is painful.

Administrators are encouraged to use Kibana, but if there is no such system available, then they can utilize log streaming feature.

Log streaming feature allows to stream all job related logs into a client that created that job.

Implementation Details


This protocol and set of classes define the basic set of log streamers.

Common Entry Point

Default logger in Emcee is ContextualLogger. Logger can accept metadata - values that define a cooordinate system for loggable messages. These metadata values are used to understand the source of message being logged:

  • ContextualLogger.ContextKeys.workerId - defines which logger has logged a message

  • ContextualLogger.ContextKeys.bucketId - defines which bucket the logged message belongs to

Streaming Logs into Queue

Worker may add SendLogsToQueueLoggerHandler by using LoggingSetup. This will enable streaming of all logged message into the queue over network.

All logs are sent into queue's /logEntry, which is handled by LogEntryEndpoint. Endpoint will then pass these logs into a given LogStreamer:

  • Queue will determine the target client for these logs. It will look at ContextualLogger.ContextKeys.bucketId metadata value and then determine what client created bucket. It uses ClientDetailsHolder for this. Stream of log entries happens into client's /logEntry, which is also handled by LogEntryEndpoint.

  • Client will just stream logs into its LoggingSetup.rootLoggerHandler.

If there is no bucketId attached into log messages, these logs are considered to be global. They can be re-streamed into all clients.

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