

Shared Makefile

This Makefile can be shared across multiple projects, so you can have zero boilerplate code related to building or generating projects using PackageGenerator.


  • Use this repo via git submodule or other way where you have static access to all sources in this repo.
  • Alternatively, you can copypaste this folder and PackageGenerator

How to use

  • Have package.json in you project's dir (use package.json from this project as an example).
  • Create symlink from Makefile from this folder to Makefile in your project's folder
  • make will work out of the box with default actions like generate, open (see
  • Autocomplete will work in bash (if you installed completion packages) and fish
  • To make it work in zsh, add this to .zshrc:
zstyle ':completion:*:make:*:targets' call-command true
zstyle ':completion:*:*:make:*' tag-order 'targets'

Note: to install completion, use this:

  • For bash: brew install bash-completion
  • For zsh: brew install zsh-completions
  • For fish: just install fish (brew install fish)

Custom actions

Add to your project folder (where you put symlink to a Makefile).

If you want to use make foo add this to

action___foo() {
    echo bar

Functions should be named "action" + 3 underscores + action name.

Available global variables:

  • REPO_ROOT - where .reporoot file is located (you must have this)
  • PROJECT_DIR - folder where your symlink to Makefile is located

Note that you can use functions from, for example, to export a binary to specified folder. Example:

action___install() {
    build_and_deploy_executable_to_local_path "avito-codegen" "$PROJECT_DIR"

There's also for more low level functions.

Custom help message

Adding custom help message (for default action help) for a specific action:

action_help___foo() {
    echo 'Use this for bla-bla'

How it works

  • Makefile gets targets via calling --project-dir <...> --targets
  • Target names are formed from all functions like action___<target name>.
  • When Makefile runs target, a corresponding function is called.

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