


Apache Ignite Examples

This folder contains code examples for various Apache Ignite functionality.

Examples are shipped as a separate Maven project, so to start running you simply need to import provided pom.xml file into your favourite IDE.

The examples folder contains he following subfolders:

  • config - contains Ignite configuration files needed for examples.
  • memcached - contains PHP script demonstrating how Ignite Cache can be accessed using Memcached client.
  • rest - contains PHP script demonstrating how Ignite Cache can be accessed via HTTP API.
  • sql - contains sample SQL scripts and data sets.
  • src/main/java - contains Java examples for different Ignite modules and features.
  • src/main/java-lgpl - contains lgpl-based examples for different Ignite modules and features.

Starting Remote Nodes

Remote nodes for examples should always be started with special configuration file which enables P2P class loading: examples/config/example-ignite.xml. To run a remote node in IDE use ExampleNodeStartup class.

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