


Emulator is a shared library containing the following functionality:

  • Emulating blockchain transactions
  • Emulating TVM - get methods and sending external and internal messages.

Transaction Emulator

To emulate transaction you need the following data:

  • Account state of type ShardAccount.
  • Global config of type (Hashmap 32 ^Cell).
  • Inbound message of type MessageAny.

Optionally you can set emulation parameters:

  • ignore_chksig - whether CHKSIG instructions are set to always succeed. Default: false
  • lt - logical time of emulation. Default: next block's lt after the account's last transaction block.
  • unixtime - unix time of emulation. Default: current system time
  • rand_seed - random seed. Default: generated randomly
  • libs - shared libraries. If your smart contract uses shared libraries (located in masterchain), you should set this parameter.

Emulator output contains:

  • Transaction object (Transaction)
  • New account state (ShardAccount)
  • Actions cell (OutList n)
  • TVM log

TVM Emulator

TVM emulator is intended to run get methods or emulate sending message on TVM level. It is initialized with smart contract code and data cells.

  • To run get method you pass initial stack and method id (as integer).
  • To emulate sending message you pass message body and in case of internal message amount in nanograms.

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